
互联网 2023-04-13 13:48:47




1. 商业发票——Commercial Invoice


示例:商业发票中存在错误,因为未包含增值税。——There was a mistake in the commercial invoice as the VAT was not included.

2. 检验证明——Certificate of Inspection


如果你是收货人(正在购买的人),请确保每件物品到货情况并检查检验证书。——If you’re the consignee (the person who is buying), make sure every item is in place and check the certificate of inspection.

3. 收货人——Consignee


示例:如果你是收货人,那么你就要为运送的货物支付关税和税款,作为国际贸易展览会参展商,必须考虑这些费用。—— If you’re a consignee, then you’re considered to be the owner of the goods being shipped for paying duties and taxes. You must take these costs into account as an or at an international trade fair.

4. 承运货物——Consignment


示例:确保托运的货物状况良好,以便在展会上展出。—— Make sure the goods being consigned are in good condition so that they can be exhibited at the trade fair.

5. 发货人——consignor


示例:尽量与发货人保持良好的沟通,确保随时查看货物的位置。——Try to maintain good communication with the consignor to ensure that you know exactly where your goods are at all times.

6. 提单——Bill of Lading (B/L)


示例:提单是一份重要文件,因此如果您是收货人或代表,您必须在收到货物时签署此文件。——The bill of lading is an important document, so if you’re the consignee or a representative, you must sign this document when you receive the goods.

7. 运费——Freight


示例:你必须知道是谁来支付运费,发货人还是收货人。——Make sure you know who has to pay for the freight, the consignor or the consignee.

8. 库存——Inventory


示例:展会刚开始时,他们的产品有大量库存。——They had a large inventory of products to be exhibited before the beginning of the trade fair.


9. 展位——Booth


示例:我们的展位位于展会的入口处,非常有利。—— Our booth was at the very entrance of the trade fair, which was very advantageous.

10. 岛型展台——Island Exhibit


示例:在交易会上投资岛型展台可以给你更多的曝光。但岛型展台一般更贵,因此你需要决定这是否划算。——Invest in an island exhibit at a trade fair as it gives you more exposure. Island exhibits can be more expensive, so you’ll need to decide whether they’re cost effective (worth the cost) for your business.

11.角落展台——Corner Booth


示例:角落展台的好处是两侧有过道,但它们可能会远离展览中心区域。——Take into account that corner booths have aisle access on two sides, but they may be further away from the central area of a fair.

12. 赠品——Freebie


示例:提供免费赠品可以赢得一些客户,但你需要仔细规划好营销策略,这样才不会亏钱。——Offering freebies can win you some customers, but make sure you plan your marketing strategy carefully so you don’t lose money.

13. 公共平台——Podium


例如:有人在展会中心区的平台上发布公告,所以好多人都聚集在那里听。——There was someone making announcements on the podium in the central area of the fair so everybody gathered there to listen.

14. Exhibit Directory——参展指南


示例:参展指南可以帮助访问者更好参观,帮助参展商了解竞争对手所在的位置。As a visitor, you may want to consult the exhibit directory to organize your visit. As an exhibitor, you may also want to consult the exhibit directory to see where your competitors are located and to make sure you’re listed.

15. 参展商资料包——Exhibitor Pack


示例:第一天,每个参展经理都会得到一个参展商资料包,以便参与者了解规则和程序。——On day one every exhibit manager got an exhibitor pack so that the participants were informed of the regulations and procedures.

16. 布展期——Move-in


示例:尽早了解入场事宜,以免错过交易会的开始。——Find out about the move-in as early as you can so that you don’t miss the beginning of the trade fair.

17. 撤展期——Move-out


示例:确保撤展的时间,以免因为超时支付罚款。——Make sure the team responsible for teardown is informed about the move-out so you don’t end up paying a penalty charge.

18. 胸章——Badge


示例:我们的徽章明亮多彩,非常醒目,所以很容易识别出来。——Our badges were bright and colorful so everybody knew who we were.

19. 宣传单——leaflets


示例:作为参展商,在参展前就需要准备好制作精良的宣传单。——As an exhibitor, think about the best design for your leaflets and print them in advance of the trade fair, so that you have them ready.

20. 宣传册——Brochure


示例:宣传册是展示公司产品和活动的印刷资料,是一种非常有效的营销工具。——Brochures are a good way to present printed information about your company’s products and activities. They’re a valuable marketing tool.

21. 通行证——Fair Pass


示例:我只有一天的公平通行证,所以我必须选择我最感兴趣的公司。 ——I had a fair pass for only one day so I had to be selective about which companies I was most interested in.

22. 价目表——Price List


示例:我不记得我们产品的所有价格,所以我随身都带着价目表。—— I couldn’t remember all the prices of our products, so I kept the price list handy.

23. 名片 ——Business Card


示例:当我的名片用完时,我不得不使用同事的名片。幸运的是,联系信息是一样的。——When my business cards ran out, I had to use my colleague’s cards. Luckily, the contact information was the same.

