
互联网 2023-04-05 12:40:05


Electronic commerce is usually refers to a wide range of commercial trade activities around the world, in the open Internet network environment, based on browser applications, buyers and sellers not met for various business activities, the Implementation of online shopping, merchants consumers between online trading and online electronic payment and various business activities, trading activities,financial activities and related comprehensive service activities of a new type of commercial operation mode, e-commerce is the use of microcomputer technology and network communication technology for business activities. Governments,academics, business people according to their position and to participate in e-commerce Angle and the degree of different,given the many different definitions.

ELECTRONIC COMMERCE is the result of ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, abbreviations to EC. As the name suggests, it contains two aspects, one is electronic means,two is commercial and trade activities. Generally refers to the use of electronic means such as electronic information networks for business activities, refers to the electronic commerce and network. Broadly speaking, e-commerce include government agencies, enterprises and institutions a variety of internal business electronically. E-commerce as an important industry in modern service industry ,E-commerce industry market globalization, continuous trading, low cost, the advantages of the resource intensive.


电子商务源于ELECTRONIC COMMERCE,简写为EC。顾名思义,其包含两方面,是电子方式,二是商贸活动。一.般来说是指利用电子信息网络等电子化手段进行的商务活动,是指商务活动的电子化、网络化。广义而言,电子商务还包括政府机构、企事业单位各种内部业务的电子化。电子商务作为现代服务业中的重要产业之一。电子商务产业具有市场全球化、交易连续化、成本低廉化、资源集约化等优势。

E-commerce can be regarded as a commercial and administrative operation,this method by improving product and service quality, improve the service transmission speed, satisfy the government organization, manufacturers and consumers’ demand to reduce costs, and through the computer network speed up exchanges of information to support decision making. E-commerce can through electronic means do something . With the development of information technology, the connotation and extension of e-commerce are also constantly enrich and expand, and constantly given new meaning, develop a broader space.


F-commerce will become the 21st century information the core of in the world, human is the development direction of network applications, with unpredictable growth prospects. E-commerce will also build new 21st century trade framework. Vigorously develop e-commerce, for countries with informationization to drive strategy, leapfrog development and enhance national competitiveness, has very important strategic significance.


Electronic commerce in accordance with the participation main body and the customer is different, can be pided into a variety of forms, but at present, B2B, B2C, C2C is the main form, including B2B is the main application form.

电子商务按照参与主体和客户的不同,可分为多种形式,但目前来看, B2B、B2C、C2C是主要形式,其中B2B是最主要的应用形式。